Leadership coaching for impactful product people

I partner with product leaders (directors, VPs, CPOs, product founders) to help them be creative, impactful and authentic in their leadership.


Leading product is hard


As a product leader, you have a huge influence on the direction of your company. While that’s rewarding, it can also be stressful and lonely.



I know because I’ve been there


I come from a fast-growth career in product at top companies like Monzo and Intercom, with lots of leadership experience from a young age. I’ve worked at board level, and often been the youngest person in the room. 

Across my previous roles, I’ve had to be ambitious and brave with product strategy to hit fundraising goals, motivate and build trust with teams through tough times, and figure out what I stand for as a leader.



I offer something unique


My support is tailored to you and your situation, with no one-size-fits-all frameworks or workshops. I combine product experience at top product companies with a passion for leadership and coaching. 

The bookshelf in my office is made up of both product and psychology books. Because I believe that being a truly brilliant product leader requires personal and leadership growth, not just product expertise.

We should work together if…

  • You want to get further in your career

    There’s a reason the most successful leaders use coaches. Having a trusted partner gives you a huge advantage, whether you’re new to product leadership or have years of experience.

  • You want to make better decisions

    A lot rides on the choices you make, whether they’re strategy decisions or people decisions. Coaching gives you space to build conviction that they’re the right ones.

  • You want to feel more supported

    Coaching is that rare time in the week where there’s space to focus on you. It brings support and calm to a role that can often feel lonely and overwhelming.

Let’s chat

Book your free 30-minute consultation